Taisei Kogyo

Taisei Kogyo – TRF-10U
Taisei Kogyo – TRF-10U
Element Differential Pressure Option Indicator Pressure […]
  1. Maximum Operating Pressure – 1MPa(10kgf/cm²)
    Rated Fatigue Pressure – 1MPa(10kgf/cm²) x 10^7 cycles.
  2. TRF return line filter is installed directly on the tank top
  3. Thread connection and flange connection (option)
  4. Install assembly using d3 hole with bolts to the flange of tank.
  5. Specify fluid for ‘O’ ring compaibility.
  6. Table of element collapse pressure and bypass valve opening pressure.
Element Differential PressureOption
Indicator PressureBypass Valve